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Brendan Soto

Graduate Research Assistant

I am a fifth year Phd student in Mechanical Engineering working on developing a model to predict effective permeability of heat shield materials to be used in material response codes, using a combined convolutional neural network and multilayer perceptron.

In the past, I have explored numerical methods of predicting effective permeability, specifically verifying the Stochastic PArallel Rarefied-gas Time-accurate Analyzer (SPARTA) against experimental measurements. Additionally, I worked in the IR4TD lab as an undergraduate student using infrared technology to analyze fluid flow from a high speed rotary bell. I have also had the opportunity to intern at the Marshall Space Flight Center where I studied the response of solid state rocket fuel to strain and vacuum.

I have always been deeply fascinated by space and its exploration, and, as such, I am interested in anything aerospace related: material response, propulsion, trajectory mapping, etc.

Ph.D., Mechanical Engineering: University of Kentucky (2020 - Present).
B.S., Mechanical Engineering: University of Kentucky (2016-2020).