CTFL has openings for two graduate students.
The first topic focuses on molecular dynamics simulations and developing a gas-surface model for direct simulation Monte Carlo method with applications to very low Earth orbit (VLEO). The position is computational in nature and focuses on developing new methods and algorithms for VELO applications
The second topic focuses on understanding developing our in-house ISTHMUS code. This position is highly computational in nature, and a candidate is expected to have significant computational expertise with prior skills in developing codes written in C++ and/or Python or having worked with large-scale research codes.
Your research work will involve collaborative work with NASA, the U.S. Air Force and Navy, national laboratories, and research universities. Your training and mentoring will position you to be a leading expert when you leave CTFL. There will be many opportunities for internships at NASA, AFRL, industries (Lockheed-Martin, Boeing), and networking opportunities through conferences.
If you are interested in working on cutting-edge research, please send an email to saviopoovathingal.at.uky.edu with a CV/resume.
Research staff position
CTFL is also looking for research staff members that can fill either of the two roles above and contribute to the various projects within CTFL.
Post-doctoral research opportunities
Currently, there are no post-doctoral research opportunities.
Undergraduate research opportunities
For students in the U.S., the CTFL lab has several research opportunities. Please email the PI, Savio Poovathingal with a CV/resume.